study techniques using SQRRR
Studying an remembering factual information may present no problem to some people, but for most of us it is a difficult of task. we may read, or think we a reading a chapter or a passage, and later we know nothing about it all. one effective way dealing with study reading is to use a planned or organized approach.
using SQRRR your approach to study reading is active and organized. the lettersSQRRR forma catch word standing for the five steps , Survey, Question, Read, Record, Revise.
S - survey. is to get an over al picture of what you are reading. to survey chapter or a reading passage you look first at the title - really read it.
Q - question, the survey step has given you a general overview of the material. the question step helps you to ocus on the main ideas and supporting details in each section, and to tie this information in with what you know already.
R - read. As you read, you concentrate on answering the questions you have in mind, notice what the author thinks is important, and see how ideas are organied, then you reading is really active, at the same time you use the knowledge you already have about the subject to relate what you are reading to what you already know.
R - record, make a record - thats is, make notes of what you a reading. most reaers find that note-taking is of great help in getting information fixed in the mind, if you outline a chapter which you have pinished reading, you really know what you have read, and you have a useful summary for a later revision.
R - Revise, think over what you have read. does it make sense in the light of your own experience and background. can you write down - or at least think out - the mai options? can you add example to support them? can you trace the steps argument presented?
perhaps you think this is eill take a lot of time. if you practice surveying whenever you read, it will take only about a minute, a minute to gain an overall picture of what the author is saying.
from engglish for academic purposes (IAIN Walisongo semarang)
and Dip. TEFL material
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